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第二十期:Biosynthesis of modified tetrapyrroles: the pigments of life
  发布时间:2018-06-08    供稿部门:

  报告题目Biosynthesis of modified tetrapyrroles: the pigments of life

  报 告 人Martin James Warren 英国肯特大学生物科学学院生物化学系教授 



  报告摘要:The talk will concern the biosynthesis of modified tetrapyrroles, a group of molecules that include the haems, chlorophylls, sirohaem, coenzyme F430, haem d1 and the corrins (vitamin B12) within its membership. This molecular fraternity is often referred to as the “pigments of life” because of their associated strong colours and their involvement in all the major cellular processes of life including respiration, photosynthesis, methanogenesis and DNA synthesis. The molecular architectures of these metallo-cofactors represent some of the most complex small molecules made in cells, and their structures are reflected in equally beguiling and enigmatic biosynthetic pathways. Through the application of techniques such as molecular genetics, microbiology, enzymology and chemistry, coupled with a range of biophysical techniques including NMR, EPR and X-ray crystallography, we have been able to fundamentally advance the field of tetrapyrrole metabolism and understand the biosynthetic process. This has led to the discovery of new pathways for haem biosynthesis, the elucidation of the biochemical pathways for sirohaem, coenzyme F430, haem d1 and the anaerobic route for B12 biogenesis. This talk will reflect on some of the unprecedented molecular detail on the mechanism of the enzymes involved in the biosynthetic processes, which has generated new and novel insights into the chemical logic underpinning them.  

  报告人简介Martin James Warren博士现任英国肯特大学生物科学学院生物化学系教授,英国生物技术与生物科学研究理事会任命委员会委员,生物化学学会、美国生物化学和分子生物学会、美国科学促进会会员以及英国皇家生物学会Fellow,英国生物化学会政策委员会委员。曾任肯特大学生物科学学院院长、英国生物技术与生物科学研究委员会教授Fellow、伦敦玛丽王后大学生物科学学院生物化学教授、芬兰科学院生物科学和环境研究理事会主席、芬兰科学院合成生物学研究组长。 

  Warren教授研究领域涉及化学、生物学和进化学,是维生素B12等四吡咯化合物生物合成研究领域国际知名学者,具体研究内容包括色素分子如亚铁血红素、叶绿素、维生素B12、西罗血红素、辅酶F430和血红素d1的生物合成,尤其在亚铁血红素、维生素B12和辅酶F430合成途径的解析方面做出了卓越贡献,是最早利用合成生物学手段在大肠杆菌中解析并构建维生素B12从头合成途径的学者之一,其相关研究成果在Nature, Nature Chemical Biology, PNAS等著名期刊发表文章多篇,在四吡咯代谢研究领域拥有极大影响力。此外,他在研究钴胺素参与丙二醇利用时发现了细菌的一种蛋白细胞器——细菌微区室,可使细胞产生新的形状和形态并用于合成化学品,相关研究成果发表在Nature Chemical Biology,并同ZuvaSyntha公司合作开展利用细菌微区室技术合成大宗化学品。Warren教授承担重要科研项目40余项,项目累计经费超过1500万英镑;受邀在相关科研机构及国际重要学术会议上做特邀报告50多次;至今累计在NatureLancetNature Chemical Biology PNASAngewandte Chemie International Edition Metabolic Engineering等著名杂志发表论文近100篇。 

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